
Shelley Gill Testimonial received from child
Comments sent to Shelley Gill from a kid

Below are some comments that teachers and school administrators have sent to Shelley about her presentations and her books:

We had a wonderful opportunity to have Shelley Gill come and visit Aurora Elementary for an author visit. She was very good at keeping the students tuned in to what she was sharing about her books. The students were glued to her words and had many questions about her books and trips. Her enthusiasm and information was greatly appreciated by the teachers and students. We would welcome her back anytime.

Theresa Pajot

Librarian Aurora Elementary

We loved Shelley Gill--an adventurer, author, parent, researcher, teacher, and storyteller! She came to our school and gave us two presentations, K-2nd and 3-6th grades, with wonderful photos and stories. The kids were entertained and engaged as she told about her adventures. They probably didn't realize how much they were learning. After the presentations she visited the classrooms for Q&A sessions, then a book signing. Kids talked about her after school and days later. Teachers and parents were thrilled! We are planning a return visit in the future! This was well worth the money spent for student enrichment.

Colleen Kirkpatrick

Bear Valley Elementary PTA

Your student response, technical, educational and performance quality were all excellent, as were your preparation materials. We highly recommend your program to other schools...In short, you were wonderful!



Shelley, I wanted to thank you again for sharing such wonderful stories with us. The students, teachers and parents are still talking about your marvelous presentation. You truly inspired the children and your books are flying off the shelves...
